Carrington Love Magic Stage
Carrington Hotel car park
12pm to 6pm • Free

12pm Raduga Trio • 12.45pm Pixie Willo • 1.20pm Honey Stompers • 2.05pm earprojector • 2.50pm The Nickels • 3.25pm Mic Conway • 4.10pm Avalon Songbirds Community Sing Along • 4.55pm Winter Solstice Ritual and Handfasting Love Ceremony • 5.30pm Gusto Gusto

A weaving of love, performance, ritual and community.

Winter is the time when life is dormant, when seeds slumber in the ground and animals hibernate, when days are short and nights long and darkness cloaks the land. At Solstice we will come together to celebrate the return of the light and to rejoice in the coming of the warmth of Spring. We bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, giving thanks for community, country and connection.

Be transported back in time as we gather to witness couples declare their love and commitment with an ancient Celtic Handfasting Ritual. You are also invited to join in with your beloved if you feel inspired to do so (handfasting cords provided).
Local performers will come together to present a program of fun, frivolity, hijinks and harmonies. Experience the thrill of aerial performance, the passion of musical rhythms and the fun of the physical theatre.

The Carrington Love Stage is the beating heart of the Winter Magic Festival.

Pixie Willo

Pixie Willo and the Loungeroom Alchemists are pioneers in experimental sound and spoken word. This is poetry, from another dimension. Enjoy the ride. Pixie’s book with all these wonderful poems called ‘In Clarity’s Absence’ can be purchased from the little lost bookshop in Katoomba.
Read More Pixie Willo